What is the future of CONTECH in Lithuania?
ConTech is a phrase that has been coined to identify advanced construction technology.
ConTech is now recognised in many circles as the term associated with the design and construction aspects of residential and commercial buildings. It is linked with pre-construction processes, including architecture and design, along with civil engineering and other tasks associated with the building phases of projects.
SA.LT journal is an active member of AEC industry in Lithuania. Lithuania was already capable of bringing FINTECH and blockchain, while ConTech is just additional piece of the big puzzle! In order to start discussion in Lithuania about ConTech we would like to invite You to the conference – discussion forum: What is the future of Contech in Lithuania?
We believe that continuously gathering, sharing the knowledge, networking and gaining inspiration from each other can create an environment where many young, experienced engineers, architects and other professionals from Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry can build a new environment, which can lead to the revolution of this sector in Lithuania.
In plenty of recently published reports it is noted that our sector has the biggest potential for automatization and robotization. All of the reports, experts and the most advanced companies from the sector says that one of the biggest challenges is the MINDEST. Can it be true? Do we take it into consideration?
Our mission is to gather and to unite the strongest competencies of our industry in Lithuania and to merge them with the right competencies of other industries!
Our vision is to build a strong CONTECH organization in Lithuania, which can make positive impact to the industry, academic and government regulations.
We are raising many questions and we want to hear YOUR thoughts and ideas!
- Why do we need Contech in Lithuania?
- What we can do with Contech?
- Are we even capable of doing it?
- What should the first steps look like?
- What is missing and very much needed for contech startup companies to set up and develop?
To really dive into this subject and to hear as many thoughts as possible we are organizing a conference + world café style discussion with a professional coordinator team!
We strongly believe the future of CONTECH in Lithuania! Our small country is very well known by many new industries. It is THE place for innovation and development. The conference will also serve as an introduction to the upcoming platform which will consist of constant communication, on-going discussions, meetings with experts on a field once a month, and other valuable things to gain a broader understanding of all contech issues in Lithuania. We will develop this platform together! So let’s meet up and start the discussion at the Contech conference. Let’s be the pioneers and bring our industry to another level of digitalization and innovation side by side!
Date: April 29
Place: „Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva“ (Konstitucijos pr. 20, Vilnius)

Paulius Milčius
Business Development Manager at VMG Group (VMG Building Systems)
The future is ConTech with a 360-degree view
Paulius Milčius has been active in offsite construction for 14 years, working for the last 2 years at VMG Group on the development of a state-of-the-art engineered-wood-processing giga-factory to supply sustainable construction materials, components and building solutions. Before that he helped establish SBA Modular, a spin-off of the SBA Group offering climate-friendly modular solutions. Both VMG and SBA are major Baltic suppliers of IKEA. Previously, he helped to develop the structural design company Timber Design LT and the offsite timber construction company Effective Solution and to establish them across Europe as experts in their fields.
More generally, over the past 20 years Paulius has held management roles in business development, marketing and media. He has start-up and family business experience as well.
A master’s degree in international trade and marketing and a bachelor’s degree in international relations provide him with a 360-degree professional vision. He has keen interest in Scandinavia, the UK, and particularly German-speaking countries as some of the most advanced regions for construction innovations.

Jokūbas Vaišvila
Co-founder, Chief Technology Officer, Strato Group
We are the robots
Jokūbas is a typical millennial – first generation that grew up in the age of the internet. Jokūbas started his engineering career at 15 as a structural design CAD draftsman in his brother’s company. After in-depth preparation for architectural studies, he decided to dive into building energetics and renewable engineering studies and currently holds a Thermal Engineering Master’s degree. Jokūbas carrier is closely related to buildings and computers – in 2008 started working in an international wooden house builder company and in 2012 started his BIM journey and worked hand-in-hand with such companies as MOE, AECOM, NIRAS, Mott MacDonald, etc. optimizing their BIM design phase processes. Jokūbas worked at Autodesk Authorized Developer company and was a product owner of the MEP product branch.
While the BIM process has massive potential to reconstruct the building industry, it has failed to deliver on its promise of improving industries’ productivity, error rate, environmental impact. The construction industry is ineffective and fragmented because of the lack of automation, digitalization, and innovation. Currently, Jokūbas holds a CTO position in a Lithuanian-based #ConTech Startup called STRATO GROUP – the sky has no limits, innovations have no boundaries! Jokūbas is pioneering innovative technologies for the design-built process, such as AI-driven building design software, off-site manufacturing technologies for modular and panel buildings, and large-scale construction 3D printing technologies.
Jokūbas’ millennial character traits like a mix of tech-savviness, combined with a need for personal interaction, help drive changes across multiple generations while infusing the industry with a fresh new perspective

Tomas Uždanavičius
Owner Domingo Design AB, Sweden
Trends in the digitalisation of the Swedish construction industry. What can we learn?
Tomas is currently working and living in Sweden. He works as a freelance project manager for large-scale and technically complex projects. Current projects include a new 35,000 sqm hospital building in Stockholm and a renovation of the Swedish Embassy in Poland.
Digitization has always played a significant role in Tomas career, and therefore, in addition to the main project development activities, he invests in and develops the product called Cployer, dedicated to digitization of construction business. Prior to starting as an independant contractor and IT developer, he has held project manager role at the project management company Forsen.
Among his responsibilities there was company’s digitalization as well, and Tom has been granted with Forsen’s Innovator of the Year award. He graduated from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and the Executive Education Program at the Stockholm School of Economics.

Aivars Alt
Estonia, Tallinn University of Applied Sciences, Director of Construction institute
Estonian experience in framework of ConTech
After graduating, Aivaras has worked with a reinforced concrete company for nine years. Since then, he has been using 3D models in his day-to-day work with clients and partners. He primarily used Autodesk software.
In 2009, Aivaras started working as a lecturer at the TTK University of Applied Sciences. There he is actively involved in the development of BIM projects and organizes BIM demonstration events for the stakeholders of Estonian construction industry. Since 2011, he has been working according to the requirements of BIM. His main interests in BIM are energy analysis, laser scanning and architectural modeling and data management.
Moreover, since 2017 Aivaras is actively working with the BIM Requirements Cluster, which seeks to unify the BIM requirements in Estonia and deliver the value of BIM to the public and private sector. From 2018 onwards he is the director of the Institute of Construction.

Andrius Rimša
Sweden, Owner Loxus Consulting
Challenges of the digitalization of infrastructure: construction, operation, renovation
Andrius Rimša, Doctor of Geology, holds a PhD from the Lund University (Sweden). His research, conducted 2002–2007, focused on zirconium U-Pb geochronology and metamorphic rock petrology in Sweden and India. In 2007, he worked as a field geologist at the Swedish Geological Survey and was responsible for field mapping and geochronological surveys.
Since 2008 he has hold different roles in various projects: a project/technical manager for the engineering firms, an expert in geology and tunnel engineering for the Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration) and other mining and industrial companies as well as municipalities. In 2014-2020 Mr. Rimša was the Head of Department for The Infrastructure Design and Tunnel Engineering. In 2020, he founded Loxus Consulting, which provides project and technical management services, including geological and tunnel engineering and ROV underwater tunnel inspection.

Edvinas Subačius
Malta, Rootz LTD, Chief Data Officer
Modern information management
Edvinas gained masters degree in applied mathematics at KTU and worked on data analytics and business automation projects in fintech and online gambling sectors for the last 8 years. Getting his first exposure to complex data processes in Ukio bankas and SEB in Lithuania, he moved to Europes online gaming hub Malta, where he raised standards of insight analytics and analytics based automation in industry giants such as Betsson, LeoVegas and Gaming Innovation Group.
Currently Edvinas holds Chief Data Officer position in Rootz Ltd, an online gaming company which develops and owns unique online gambling platform and operates 4 outstanding online casinos. Edvinas is responsible for data warehouse, business intelligence processes, data team management, data protection and will be talking about importance of information management in the digital age.

Sampo Pilli-Sihvola
Senior Manager, Modeling Tools
Building´s information lifecycle
Sampo Pilli-Sihvola has been working last 16 years in BIM Building Information Modelling field. He has wide experience in national and global BIM requirements and workflows from various prefabricator and contractors around the world. Most of the BIM career he has been working in global software company Trimble with Tekla Structures BIM software.
BIM has evolved a lot in last 16 years. BIM is not anymore and acronym for 3D modelling as it was still decade ago. BIM and especially the Information in digital format has become more and more important in all construction project throughout the whole workflow. How the digital information can be used and how it can be shared. Digital twins are done and used in many construction projects. These and many other BIM topics has been the passion and leading star in his career.
Currently Sampo is leading BIM tools development at Peikko. Peikko is the Global Forerunner in Slim Floor Structures, Wind Energy Applications and Connection Technology for Precast and Cast-in-situ.
Event also will bring you:
Meet the Q – a new generation mobile four-legged robot made by robotic company Heydekrug robotics. Robot creators will demonstrate it’s cognitive system and tell you what it perceives and how artificial intelligence works.
The purpose of this machine is to independently monitor a large perimeter environment in which possible failures, anomalies, and inaccuracies need to be predicted.
The robot has integrated multi-sensory capabilities to scan the environment in various spectra (IR, UV, visible light) and with the help of artificial intelligence algorithms to extract meaning from these data and make decisions accordingly, informing the operator.
Q adds a new dimension of quality in automated surveillance services.
World Café discussion
The World Café is a teaching method based on discussion and unrestricted expression of views. All participants are divided into several smaller groups – cafes.
Each cafe has a moderator (cafe owner) who raises a relevant issue, and discussion participants (cafe visitors) who suggest ways and means to solve the problems. Cafe visitors go from one cafe to another and solve a different problem in each of them.
An interactive discussion, moderated by ISM lecturers, will refine potential topics & issues of the Contech in Lithuania. It will benefit to the development of new digital platform which will integrate contech news, expert commentaries and community discussions.
Of course you will get a fine meal, snacks and full variety of drinks.
Let’s meet in Vilnius!
Date: April 29
Place: „Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva“ (Konstitucijos pr. 20)
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